For her third exhibition, at Fyns Grafiske Værksted, the Danish print workshop located in Odense, Sylvie Karier exhibited a selection of works, engravings and monotypes created between two separate periods of almost 20 years. The selection demonstrated a great cohesion and showed how she continued to make works along formal and technical constraints. Through a conversation with the artist, Anne Heyvaert explores how Sylvie balances traditional values of printmaking of etching and aquatint with a larger sense of graphic potentials, from using the line to a mass of dots and intensely velvety solid areas. Sylvie shows how her predominantly black prints are a play between figure and ground, and exploit aspects of printmaking such as reduction, repetition and progression. Anne Heyvaert points out how Sylvie Karier eventually breaks the limits of the discipline, by exploring the materiality of inks and paper using monotypes and stitching.
Bernadac, Marie-Laure, (2000). “Louise Bourgeois: The Insomnia Drawings”, Scalo Verlag Ac, Zürich.
Heyvaert, Anne (2011) “La obra seriada, desplegada entre pautas y pausas”, in Actas del I Foro Internacional de Arte Múltiple, XIX Feria “Estampa Arte Múltiple”, Madrid, Spain.
Heyvaert, René (1975), in a letter published in the doctoral thesis, Heyvaert, A. (2010) El arte postal de René Heyvaert: una concepción mínima y cotidiana del arte. Universidade de Vigo, Spain.
Ingold, Tim (2007) Lines: A Brief History, Routledge, London and New York.
Kremer, Pierre (2001) “Expérience vécue, spéculation formelle...” Luxemburger Wort.
Labrusse, Rémi “Le désir de la ligne“ exhibition catalogue Henri Matisse Ellsworth Kelly dessins de plantes (2002) Gallimard Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Malenfant, Nicole “La singularité du multiple: l’estampe comme oeuvre d’art ” and Melot, Michel “La rareté généreuse de l’estampe”, In: De Sousa Noronha, Jörge (2002), L’estampe, objet rare, Editions Alternative, Paris.
Moro Martínez, Juan (1998) Un ensayo sobre grabado (a finales del siglo XX), Creática Ediciones. Santander, 1998
Noyce, Richard (2006), Printmaking at the edge, London: A&C Black.
Paz, Octavio (1996) “El grabado latinoamericano” In: Sombras de obras, Barcelona: Seix Barral.
“Black is a Color“, exhibition catalogue (2006), Marguerite et Aimé Maeght Foundation, Saint Paul de Vence.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Anne Heyvaert