Termómetros - Visual Registration of Nature and its Changes
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Artist Books
Climate change

How to Cite

Topete Camacho, E. I. . (2024). Termómetros - Visual Registration of Nature and its Changes: Fusion and Technical Variations of the Estampa for the Production of Artists’ Books. IMPACT Printmaking Journal, 4, 12. https://doi.org/10.54632/1507.IMPJ20


The following document presents the results of the research-creation project THERMOMETERS, Visual registration of nature and its changes, which consists of exploring various possibilities of fusion and technical variations of engraving and drawing to produce artists’ books, as an alternative to contemporary graphic prints. The project consisted of the creation of three series of artists’ books in concertina, polyptych, and expandable formats. The thematic axis was the visual record of nature and its changes throughout the period covered by the project. 

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Copyright (c) 2024 Elba Ireri Topete Camacho


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