Reflective Paper
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photographic archives
digital technologies
creative printmaking

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Pinto, M. . (2024). Reflective Paper. IMPACT Printmaking Journal, 4, 10.


This article aims to investigate the changes that have been generated in archival systems through digitisation and the relevance of reactivating archives through artistic creation and specifically through printmaking. In this paper, I will present some projects from my practice to analyse the meaning of these new physical forms created from diverse archives. 

Digital technology has transformed the way we communicate and store information. Today’s images are virtual and fleeting; they slip from our memory, prompting the question of how much time we spend examining/absorbing an image. Why store thousands of images if we never revisit them? Archival information today is digitally stored and recorded, but can we access it and which archives do we choose to recreate? By revisiting material from the past, we might better understand our present. 

The relationship between archival materials and their stories as generators of new readings through artistic practice occupies a significant place in contemporary art research. In this study, I explore different photographic archives from my artistic practice, using graphic techniques that allow me to reflect on memory and its evanescence. My interest in working with these memories is related to the desire to share materials from the past and generate new relationships within our contemporary context. Working with various temporalities is an approach to understanding the functioning of both individual and collective memory
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maite Pinto


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