Concurrently Simultaneously
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Artist Books
Collaborative Printmaking

How to Cite

Dunne, K. . (2024). Concurrently Simultaneously. IMPACT Printmaking Journal, 4, 9.


Concurrently Simultaneously is a book that contains not only the art and academic research and explorations of two artists but also a more intimate narrative of the experience of a family momentarily divided by the implications of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On 30 August 2020, Killian Dunne arrived in Scotland from Ecuador to begin his new role as a Lecturer in Printmaking, Publishing, and Editions at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee. His wife Désirée and their three-year-old son were to stay in Quito, Ecuador until Christmas while he organised accommodation for the family and while Désirée concluded her university teaching semester. Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions and the complications of Brexit meant that by May 2021 Désirée and their son had still not arrived in Scotland. At that point, the artists decided to create an artist book responding to this experience. Killian created his section of the book in Scotland, and Désirée created her section of the book in Ecuador. They then digitally printed the book’s editions in Ecuador and Désirée brought the books to their new life in Scotland when she and their son could travel.
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Foucault, M. (1986) ‘Of Other Spaces’ trans. J. Miskowiec, Diacritics (16) pp. 22-27, The John Hopkins University Press, Maryland.

Lawley, P. (2013) Waiting for Godot: Character Studies, A & C Black, London.

McCabe, H. (2014) The Heterotopic Art Institution, Available at: (Accessed 24 May 2022).

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Killian Dunne


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