Olhava as Seen from the Map of Volkhov
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How to Cite

Koivisto, O. . (2024). Olhava as Seen from the Map of Volkhov: Language, Place, and Psychogeography in Artistic Research. IMPACT Printmaking Journal, 4, 10. https://doi.org/10.54632/1507.IMPJ11


The starting point for my artistic research doctoral dissertation is to examine place through common names and how language is, through names, a part of a space. In the municipality of Ii (Finland), there is a village called Olhava. The town of Volkhov in Russia is also called Olhava in Finnish. For my research, I worked in the surroundings of Olhava (Ii, Finland) by using a map of Volkhov (Olhava, Russia), collecting data, and creating an installation based on these data. Nonsense theories and the psychogeography methods of International Situationists play a central role in this work. 

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